The only thing we’re certain of from the info on lable is that there were no antibiotics given to the cattle within the last 30 days of their lives & only apparent in the handful of animals that the *FDA sampled for bloodwork… ~ 5 animals per every 100 in the “group.”
….AND often unscrupulous FDA agents are “bought” and will sample the 5 animals the *FARMER SELECTS vs RANDOM SAMPLING as it should be. Likely 5 animals for every 100 in a *FEED LOT YARD are tested (or where the cattle will live after immediate purchase from the farmer and before going to *PROCESSING and then *PACKAGING / LABELING. … where at each step , what goes into our final food product is out of the farmers hands) AND BE FED likely CORN & NEVER GRASS AS IS WHATS APPROPRIATE by the new owner / or *manufacturer and for at least 30 days prior to slaughter. THATS IT. THATS ALL WE KNOW ABOUT YOUR MEAT SELECTION.
Remember the FDA is also about pushing as much product through as possible. Their direct agenda is to support our agricultural-economy… NOT OUR HEALTH.
IT IS FOR EXAMPLE , OK TO HAVE AFLATOXIN ECOLI ASPERGILLUM , SALMONELLA. ETC in our food.., and ONLY not to exceed an immediately LETHAL amount.
^ there is enough AFLATOXIN in corn to kill a cow/ lethal amount and enough to blind a horse at the acceptable human -consumption level. They’re more reactive to it than we are. But make no mistake.. OUR FOOD IS 100% KILLING US SLOWLY when we buy vs grow/ raise our own food… or buy from sources w integrity which is hard to find.
I would say DEFINITELY the farmer had the cattle on growth hormones & that growth hormones are in this meat you’re feeding Spicey and in any product whenI see “no growth hormones ADDED.”
“ADDED” ALWAYS REFERS TO WHAT THE *PACKAGE/ LABELER did or did not put into, or “ADD” to this farmers organic beef AT THE TIME OF PACKAGING . It has nothing to do w what the farmer did or did not do to his crops or livestock. Their may be or may not be growth hormones fed to the cattle.
^^HOWEVER, it’s a huge consumer-push w folks getting food-savvy & if the farmer DID NOT USE GROWTH HORMONES…. The *MANUFACTURER and *ADVERTISER would ABSOLUTELY USE THAT ON THE PACKAGING LABLE. They can only fool the un-savvy consumers… which thankfully w the internet… is dripping in quantity of the unknowledable. Savvy consumers are the only reason we’re making SLOW changes. But labeling laws can fool tons of people.. tons of people … so not enough masses to apply pressure / or yield dropped sales: total boycotting … which $ is the bottom preside for *manufacturers.
Understanding PACKAGING and LABELING in todays food industry IS A MUST to ensure quality food (including in your vegan diet / or ALL FRUIT VEGGIES PRODUCE ESPECIALLY (way worse than the meat industry as that opens up SO MICH DANGEROUS MICROORGANISMS AND CHEMICALS …. That then FEEDS OUR MEAT-ANIMALS… AND IS THE BIGGEST CULPRIT IN DANGEROUS FOOD
…And certainly in your business if you’re claiming to be feeding people 100% organic diet. Then YOU are as liable as the Lable/ packager and ate falsely adverting. JUST NEVER CLAIM THAT IF YOU DO, UNLESS YOURE CERTAIN ANY PURCHASED PRODUCTS ARE INDEED ORGANIC). ^Like with the medical and pharmaceutical industries… we truly must be our own investigator-advocate.
This area is too big to put in a text right now, but I’ll be making it a blog article soon. I’ll send you the link. Until then see sites like these in phot below (I did not read these myself.., just showing you a sampling readily available on the internet)! and tons and tons more like these in the internet regarding this topic.
I’ll give you a quickly shorthand method (see photo below) you can use … but there is no substitute for learning how to read a lable. This is only a guide to know if something is CERTIFIED ORGANIC … otherwise it could be loaded w crap..
^^^Bottom line:
Spicey is screaming to get off this food. Enough said! Lol ….
…..Never push foods your dog doesn’t READILY consume beyond a first 4-7 day “intro of a new food. “ After 7 days if a dog is still “fussy.”…. Quit feeding it. Yoiu know to stop eating a food when you get a stomach ache from it. Spiceys only way to tell you he’s walking around w a tummy-ache (which could invoice stomach, kidney, liver, pancreas… etc) is to “ be fussy.” (See below for more expressions of fussiness )
^Preface: “using food as a diagnostic-tool” l is of course only a useful tool once we’ve restored “healthy cravings” or after 90 days on a clean diet. Dog must not eat packaged-goods for 90 days.…
…FIND WHAT HE WANTS or more IMPORTANTLY WHAT HE NEEDS NEXT ( w all foods, herbs, supplements meat and produce etc.. )
Or if you can’t pick up his cues (fussiness), like not immediately eating when he arrives at his dish, …taking pieces out of his dish, …burying behavior like pushing bowl w snout/ actually burying food in blankets, sofa, ground, etc,… picking out his bites around a certain ingredient in your recipe / leaving some ingredient/s behind… leaving the dish and walking into kitchen while looking at you w eager eyes/ smelling a certain something from your cabinets, counter, fridge etc/ and perhaps other individualized behaviors in the kitchen or by food dish finds a way to “scream louder” /gets more creative out of desperation to “be heard.”
I know a dog that first barked and then “tap-danced” in attempt to get his owners attention regarding his meals. Unless that leads to immediately gorging.., it meant “this isn’t my happy-to -eat-this -stuff dance… I’m trying to ask for something that DOESN’T hurt my stomach, liver, kidney or cause my pain, discomfort, or taking me downhill in such a way as what you’re making me eat by not giving me options so I can show you what my body needs- dance.” (What a sentence….huh?! Lol) but that last line says it all!
… so if you can’t read cues, then feed TONS OF VARIETY so he’s at least on a minimal level, occasionally getting a few foods he requires to feel better and gain health. PRIMARY FEEDING RULE 101: Rotate between all 5 color groups w your veggie selection. Be sure he has at least 3 distinct proteins (a fish, a red meat animal, a bird, etc ..EVERY WEEK
Best tip;
Greet anti-inflammation food
1 across the board is CANNED salmon (NOT a salmon filet or steak) Feed all the bones and skin… entire contents of the can
2 other fishes:
• to a lesser degree herring
• and more.
And etc … there are resources on anti m-inflammation foods