I believe, that your dog’s protective and defensive nature while you’re walking him, stems from his handlers lack of trust, in what an encounter will look like, or if you’ll be able to negotiate any situation to a positive outcome.
It’s one of the reasons that dogs often instantly change their m.o. As soon as I take the leash.
But I’m fortunate that I truly believe that I can thwart or stop a dogfight and that I can, in fact, facilitate a greeting conducive to friendship. With the exception of an emotionally crushed dog. That takes more than one greeting!!
I really have no fear.
Dogs can instantly surrender, to my total confidence and leadership.
It’s what a natural alpha canine provides for his constituents. I emulate that. I do it intentionally. And it’s always clear to my dogs immediately. It occurs silently, but it occurs assuredly.
I consider that to be the greatest gift to give our canines.
It allows them to be off duty, play peacefully, and sleep w both eyes closed!
Instead, they find their true calling, fulfill an intrinsic role in the pack, and become the best version of themselves… reach their authenticity, and actualize their greatness.
It’s profound and I have found it therapeutic and educational, and have since applied this lesson in my own life.
They’re my greatest teachers.